The Kentucky 911 Services Board built a unique, cutting-edge foundational Next Generation 911 solution for the Commonwealth’s 117 certified PSAPs. Kentucky’s NG911 Data Portal represents a convergence of technologies, bringing together multiple third-party partners, the PSAP community, state GIS experts, local information technology gurus, and the state 911 board to create a circular data flow that provides Kentucky telecommunicators the most robust mapping and supplemental data solution in the country.
Learning Objectives:
Participants can learn best practices in leveraging contracted vendors to collaborate to build a custom solution using cutting-edge technology that benefit not only the client, but also vendors as they can uttilize the product enhancements to enhance their product(s) for other potential clients.
Participants will learn that the days of "siloing" GIS data must come to an end in order to build an interoperable NG911 system, both on a statewide and national basis.
Participants will be reassured to know that sometimes it's a good thing not the lead the pack as you can learn best practices and--sometimes more importantly--what not to do when develop a strategy of NG911 adoption that best suits your particular state.