Cobb County Department of Emergency Communications Marietta, Georgia
This session is an introduction to a full course and is vital to the 9-1-1 first responder and their agency when filing the role of a witness for the prosecution, defense, or in civil cases where the agency is the respondent in tort claims. The 9-1-1 First Responder is a key witness to spontaneous utterance from the caller and their first-hand information delivered via phone or radio is pertinent and critical. With technology bringing live-stream video & other imagery into the comm center, the ECO could be called as an eyewitness in the near future.
Learning Objectives:
1. The attendee will understand the importance of being prepared for testimony in court
2. The attendee will learn different aspects of providing eye-witness and other testimony in open court
3. The attendee will review various tips and tricks to providing effective testimony